Whitelist Guide for TruePNL DuckStarter IDO

4 min readMay 15, 2021


We’ve just announced that we are opening the whitelisting process for the $PNL IDO. Users who are interested in getting an IDO allocation of $PNL must fulfill the IDO whitelisting requirements to be eligible for the lottery ticket selection process.

Below are the requirements for the $PNL IDO on DuckStarter.

Whitelist Steps

Step 1: Enter e-mail address, Telegram username and Twitter profile link (even if suspended);

Step 2: Follow True P&L on Twitter: https://twitter.com/truepnl

Step 3: Follow DuckDAO on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dao_duck

Step 4: Join True P&L Telegram: https://t.me/truepnlchat

Step 5: Join the True P&L Announcement Channel: https://t.me/truepnl

Step 6: Join the DLP DuckDAO Telegram Group: https://t.me/duckliquiditypool

One-stop-shop guide for DuckSTARTER users

To participate in True P&L Public Offering on DuckSTARTER users must fulfill a few steps:

  1. Have a DuckTIER (unless T0 is available)
  2. Complete KYC with Blockpass
  3. Follow the project on Twitter and Telegram
  4. Follow DuckDAO on Twitter and Telegram
  5. Comment on a specific tweet
  6. Show up for the sale!

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Users compete to be the first ones to complete a transaction to claim their spot in the offering. Users only compete with other users in their tier.

Batch Lottery

Users are randomly chosen across three batches to participate in the public offering. The first batch has a very high chance to participate at normal gas costs, the second batch has a medium chance, and the third and final batch has low chances of successfully claiming a spot.

DuckSTARTER Tiers:

Here is a list of all of the tiers on the DuckSTARTER platform:

  • Tier 0–0 DUCK
  • Bronze — 2,000 DUCK
  • Silver — 5,000 DUCK
  • Gold — 10,000 DUCK
  • Platinum — 20,000 DUCK
  • Champion — 100,000 DUCK

Click here to see how to get your DuckSTARTER tier.

To earn the Tiers, users will be required to lock-in DUCK tokens on the DuckSTARTER platform. Early unlocking will trigger a penalty burn, but the amount burned depends on how many days have passed since your most recent DUCK lock-in.

  • Deposit < 10 days — 30% Burn
  • Deposit < 20 days — 25% Burn
  • Deposit < 30 days — 20% Burn
  • Deposit < 60 days — 10% Burn
  • Deposit < 90 days — 5% Burn
  • After 90 days — 0% Burn

The count is reset every time you make a deposit.

Once you’ve gotten a DuckTIER you’ll see something like this to reflect your current DuckSTARTER tier on https://duckstarter.io/account


You will need to complete a simple KYC process to be eligible to participate in the a project’s public offering. We use Blockpass for KYC verification, due to its simplicity and speed. To get your account KYC verified, simply click the “KYC your wallet now” button in your DuckSTARTER account dashboard.

Click here to see how to complete Blockpass KYC verification.

That’s it! With this information you should be able to navigate the DuckSTARTER process, however, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the official DuckSTARTER Telegram group.

Checking KYC Status

Visit this link to check your KYC Status https://identity.blockpass.org/

Use the same email you provided during your KYC submission.

Smart Contract Approval

Each DuckSTARTER public offering is a unique smart contract that needs to be approved. This action can be taken in advance, as soon as the pool is presented on the DuckSTARTER website.

To approve a smart contract, you need to click the “Approve” button and make a transaction. Once approved, this button will be grayed out and say “Granted”.

Stay tuned not to miss our last announcement. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Telegram.




TruePNL.com is a Blockchain based ecosystem, with products designed for traders, investors, and paradigm-shifting cryptocurrency projects.